For the real estate investor who wants to become successful and hugely profitable... and, who wants to learn...

"$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit & No Job!"

"Virtual, Online 

Coaching Program!"


6 Months Of Intensive Online 

Real Estate Investment Training

Find Out How...

...You Can Make Real Estate Investments That Are Extremely Profitable, Using Our Powerful Online Coaching And Business Mentoring!

Over The Next 6 Months, You Will Learn How To:

  • Quit your job AND increase your monthly income!
  • Pay off all your debts - even your home mortgage!
  • Work from your home and spend more time with your family!
  • Purchase properties with no money down!
  • Put your kids through college with easy to manage real estate investments.
  • Purchase properties even if you have bad credit!
  • Own a million dollars in real estate in less than a year!
  • Sell your properties without the expense of a real estate agent!
  • Find the deals that will give you massive leverage with lenders!
  • Turn your business into a system that makes money over and over again!

"And no... It's NOT going to cost you an arm and leg to test my powerful online real estate business training! Instead, I've created an incredible, virtual, online real estate investment training program that will take you through the process, step-by-step for your first SIX MONTHS in business. My system will show you how to create the business and life you've always wanted.... and you can do it all in the comfort of your own home, at *your* own pace.

Dear Friend,

You can finally stop watching those late night "Real Estate RICHES" Infomercials, or reading those "How-To-Buy-A-Ton-Of-Real Estate" books, or listening to endless hours of "Experts" on tape... or even chasing after stupid "Gimmicks"... that really have no chance of working in real life... where you and I work everyday.

My private system for real estate success is designed specifically for those investors who are tired of being ripped-off, misled and manipulated by con artists and "traveling salesmen"... that push products and not results.

My amazing but true story!

I used the critical inside information that was revealed to me by multi million dollar real estate investors... and super-successful entrepreneurs and businessmen with net worth's up to 125 Million Dollars... to go from dead-broke... with no money... no experience... no credit... no knowledge... to buying over 17 Million Dollars in real estate my first three years in the business!

Now if I can use this powerful information to accomplish these feats (being "the greenest, most naive first year real estate investor I've ever seen," ) ... YOU can too! But with less pain and suffering than I went through. If you  want to find out more about me click here.

By following in my footsteps, you won't have to reinvent the wheel... you won't have to make all the mistakes I made... you won't have to continue to pour your hard earned money down the drain on untested and unproven investor "gimmicks"... you won't have to do anything that doesn't produce results and put cold, hard cash in your pocket. And isn't that what you're really after?

Good, because I've spent the last 6 years in hard work, research, sweat and determination developing a program that's sole purpose is to show you the real key to long term real estate success... that will enable you to get on track, realize your dreams and create the kind of life and career that you've always wanted.

Sign Up For

6 Months Of Virtual, Online Coaching With Joe Crump

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"Quit your job AND increase your monthly income!"

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It really 

does work!

My Iron Clad Performance


" You Will Buy 

At Least 

One Property

Or I Will Give You All Of Your Money Back!"

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The Million Dollar Promise!

I still remember very clearly when the idea of creating this program came to me. I was wide awake at three in the morning, thinking about all my problems. I thought about how I had no investments, marginal credit to work with, no money to work with or anything else. What I did have at the time was a minus $84.35 in my bank account and over $20,000 in debt... that was sinking me faster than the Titanic.

I made a promise to myself right then and there... I call it the Million Dollar Promise because that's easily what it's worth. It went something like this, "I promise if I ever get out of this ditch... this hole... this endless feeling of depression and despair... that I will share my turn around and my secrets for success with as many people as I possibly can."

Once I learned the critical inside information, it didn't take me long (in fact, just a few short months) to transform my life and career into a monthly income of more than $25,000.  .

I was free of all the pain... all the anxiety... all the worry... all the debt... and, I was finally moving towards my dreams. 

Now I'm not saying you'll make this much... I want you to be very clear on this. After all, I'm not you. Maybe this business isn't for you. Maybe you'll hate the process and you won't be willing or able to work the program the way I show you in my step-by-step instructions. It doesn't come without some work and it doesn't happen overnight. You have to spend a little time and effort to "build it" so that it will serve you for the rest of your life.

But I can tell you this... when I started out, I didn't know a thing about real estate. I can also tell you that I love this business now and wouldn't want to be doing anything else. 

Now, I have to ask you an important question that a multi-millionaire once asked me...

Are you committed to your own personal & professional success?

If you are that's great. Please, keep reading. If you're not, please refer this website to someone else who is. The information I'm about to share with you is too valuable to just throw away or dismiss as another marketing ploy designed to waste more of your time and money.

The massive, six month training course I've created to distribute, inform, reveal and unleash this powerful inside information is now seeking out real estate investors and potential real estate investors who are truly committed to their own personal and professional success.

I've entitled my professional network of investors the Real Estate Money Maker Association, (I used the word 'ASSOCIATION' because, by definition, it's a group of people with like-minded values and goals... and it's perfect for you if you are...

  • looking to rise above the pack and leave all your competitors in the dust.

  • looking for cutting edge technology, systems and strategies to vault you to the next level in your real estate investment program.

  • looking for consistent support, guidance, coaching & mentoring from a real estate investor that has been in your shoes before... and was able to break through all the barriers to purchase 17 Million Dollars of real estate in just three years.

In fact, I am going to show you how to follow in my footsteps and copy the same process that enabled me to...

  • buy properties with no money down.

  • work only 4 1/2 days per week... and never on weekends.

  • create an endless stream of undervalued investment properties that you can purchase and sell at a profit (this secret is worth it's weight in gold... and easily 20 times what you'll invest to learn it)

  • leverage myself massively... by producing predictable systems that worked - with or without me. (What's the point of working 16 hour days... 7 days per week... turning over a ton of property and having to do it all over again month after month?)

  • buy properties even though you have bad credit, no credit, bankruptcy, charge-offs, or liens.

You Could Experience A Financial Windfall Within A Few Short Months By Using The Powerful Inside Information I Reveal To You!

The Real Estate Money Maker Association will provide you with powerful, day-to-day, hands-on advice and specific marketing strategies that you can use immediately to create almost instant success in your business... and your life.

You will have a life-changing experience that will open new doors of opportunity and cause you to look at your business from a brand new perspective.

You will get confidential real estate investment concepts, formulas, methods, strategies and techniques that I perfected in my own business to build a $25,000 per month business in just a few short months.

Many real estate investors from Indiana (my home stomping ground) have proven over and over again... once you have this valuable and powerful information, you'll be able to accelerate your income and profits faster and more efficiently than you ever before thought possible!

Remember, Indiana is where I currently work as a real estate agent. Until recently, I have ONLY worked with investors in my home market. 

But that is about to change...

Now That I've Developed The
Real Estate Money Maker Association
I'm Ready To Open the Doors To Folks All Over The World Who Want To Make A Difference In Their Life!

I realize that it's my duty and responsibility to teach the powerful systems, cutting edge technologies and life changing strategies that will create success in the lives of a group of real estate investors.

My goal, is to continue to get more bottom-line, dramatic results with real estate investors from around the country (and around the world - I now have Investors using my program in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Pakistan, Ireland and Spain!).

Many of my clients have already seen great success... Click Here to read some of their stories.

I need you to be massively successful... because if I produce anything less than spectacular results... I won't be able to add your success story to my web page.

The more money I can make you, the more money I can charge for my course! The value of any product is directly related to it's effectiveness. I intend to PROVE over and over again with success story after success story, that my system works! 

Critically Important Note: 

The Real Estate Money Maker Association is unlike anything else you may have been exposed to before because... it's not intended to "pump you up", "hype you up", "motivate" or feed you full of unproven, untested, unused "seminar" junk.

It's only purpose is to get results


End of story!

So, are you interested in finding out more about this rare and unique opportunity? If so, read on.



"The Real Estate Money Maker Association"


This massive, SIX MONTH step-by-step training process incorporates everything I've learned or been taught about how to grow your business fast... how to separate yourself from the competition... how to improve the effectiveness of your investments... how to create total and complete leverage for yourself in all of your activities... as well as so many other skills that you absolutely must have to be successful.

In short, The Real Estate Money Maker Association is different than listening to more tapes, reading more books, attending more seminars or buying into more marketing "gimmicks." 


Because you have me there on a consistent, on-going, basis to keep you on track... to keep you in line... to keep you focused... to kick you in the rear... to keep you moving in the right direction... to give you the tools that you need to be successful in your business and in your life.

The Problem With Most Training

The inherent problem with spending more of your time and much more of your money on tapes, books, seminars and investor "gimmicks" is really twofold.

First off, you rarely, if ever, have access to it's creator on a consistent, on-going basis. Where do you find an experienced real estate investor who will answer questions about your specific problems?

Reading their books, listening to their tapes, using their ideas, saying what they say or copying their actions is never... ever... enough. It just doesn't work. It never has and it never will.

You need more help, more advice, more structure, more motivation, more encouragement, more consistency, more information and more time to digest it all. It can't happen with one book, one tape, one seminar, or one "marketing plan."

I know, because it's what I did. I wasted my hard earned money (about $10,000 worth) on everything imaginable. From "3-Day Bootcamp" seminars to talking on the phone a few times a month with a trained telemarketer (I think they called him a "highly qualified real estate consultant") who didn't even own his own home... let alone ever buy real estate investments!

The second problem most training has is that the excitement and motivation of the moment eventually wears off. Have you ever felt super hyped up and motivated after reading a book, listening to a tape or attending a seminar and promised yourself that this would change your life?... Only to realize a week or a month later that you are in the same spot as you were before... depressed, off track, unmotivated, confused and desperate. Of course, we've all done that.

The Real Estate Money Maker Association is different. You'll have access to me, the person who has created his own success and went from dead-broke to buying 17 million dollars of real estate in three years, as your coach, mentor and support person... which is what you can't get from any other book, tape, seminar, coaching program or marketing "gimmick." 

Anytime you have a question, just send me an email. I'll give you the answers you need. 

You will also have Guaranteed Monthly Phone Conversations with me, Joe Crump... 

...not with one of my assistants.

Other real estate gurus just want to sell you something... maybe a coaching program that rarely, if ever, involves the creator... maybe a tape series with them giving instruction (which is usually worthless in creating long term success)... but they always forget about you and making absolutely sure you succeed. In other words, they deal in products and volume... not the individual.

I've been asked by some, "How will you be able to give your full attention to everyone who wants to join?"

This is precisely why I've limited the amount of coaching students to 120 motivated real estate investors at a time... because that's as many as I can personally handle and guarantee that I can give my fullest attention.

I have already worked with my first group of 120 (read some of their success stories) and as they complete their training, I will take on new coaching members... but I will never go above 120.  I just won't allow it. I care too much about the people I work with to let this happen.

And for Pete's sake, I like some time off every once in a while too!

When the program is filled up, you will not be able to purchase my 26 Week Course until another spot opens up... and I must brag a little here... it is an amazing piece of work (I'll tell you more about it shortly). I will be creating a waiting list as soon as the 120 spots fill up so give me a call if you want to get on it. 

Right now, there are spots available. But don't wait too long... in the past, they have filled up quickly.

What It Is And How It Works

The Real Estate Money Maker Association is a massive, online educational program that consists of 26 weekly manuals and audio programs. It is a masters course that will teach you how to become a Real Estate Investor PRO!

I've put it together a 26 week intensive training process that takes you step-by-critical-step towards your dreams and desires. The great news is that you can expect to see great strides toward immediate profits within the first short weeks of beginning the journey.

But, your successes and growth will build exponentially if you allow the entire process to be installed in your mind and your business over a progressive period.

Let me show you now what the course includes and how you can experience this program.

Just so that you understand how powerful this program can be for you, let me remind you of three simple facts about myself.

1. The day I started in real estate investment I was dead-broke (I had minus $84.35 in my bank account)

2. I had no experience in real estate investments, or any other type of investments for that matter (I considered myself an artist at the time and thought money was a "sell out").

3. I had no money, no credit, no knowledge, no ideas... no hope.

After learning this critical financing and success information, I increased my purchases every month for five straight months... and was earning in excess of $5,000 per week. And, that was just the tip of the iceberg. 

Here are just a few of the many strategies you'll learn in my program:

  Simple inexpensive ways to find motivated sellers and great real estate deals.

  Hit the ground running with an easy use, step-by-step startup guide. No need to wade through a load of garbage to get to the meat of the program. Each week you will learn new techniques that you can use RIGHT AWAY!

  How to buy with zero down payment. Use the quick start guide to quickly understand and implement these zero down techniques.


There is NOTHING AMBIGUOUS about this program. You don't EVER have to guess what to do to get started.... I lay it all out for you. 

Step one... do this. Step two... do that. If you can follow the simple instructions, you will succeed.

  Investing in real estate for the first time is pretty scary for most people. You will learn how to minimize your risks and maximize your profits. No need to let fear hold you back any longer.

  How to talk to Sellers and Investors. Simple answers to common questions. Word for word dialogs with Sellers and Investors. Using these simple dialogs, you will sound like a real estate pro in minutes. You don't have to look like an idiot when Sellers and Investors ask you questions about the program. Here are the most common questions & answers you will hear.

  How to negotiate to your best advantage! Remember, it's not "What You Deserve" that matters... It's "What You NEGOTIATE!"

  Easily categorize potential real estate investments to see if they make sense for you. Quickly determine if a property will make money.

  Use this easy system to quickly determine the feasibility of a potential investment: 1.) Is it profitable. 2.) Should you sell it to an Investor. 3.) Should you keep it for yourself. 4.) Should you sell it to a potential Homeowner. 5.) What type of Investor do you need? Do they really need cash? Can they have bad credit?

  Simple step-by-step ways to inexpensively find qualified Investors to buy you properties. And you're going to learn how to get them to call YOU and ask for your help!

  Investors are a dime a dozen if you know what they want. Learn the secrets to getting Investors to line up at your door begging you for a chance to make some money.

  Don't bother asking your rich Uncle Scrooge for money - he doesn't think you know what you're doing and he probably won't give it to you. Here's a technique that will bring you 5-30 new investors in a week!

  Here are even more zero down techniques to add to your repertoire. 1.) Zero down financing with bad credit and no job. 2.) Zero down financing with good credit using conventional lenders. 3.) Low and no down techniques that won't scare the Seller away. 4.) Low down techniques to use with Realtors who help you find good deals on property. 5.) Financing purchases using conventional lenders.

And That's Just For Starters!

I hope you're beginning to see the lasting and dramatic benefits that I'm offering you. Techniques like these, and hundreds more like them, will be answered in full detail for you during my six month, easy-to-absorb, real estate course.

You can fully expect to have an unbelievable, and truly eye-opening experience that will force you to look upon your business in a new light and in a better, more profitable way. Wouldn't you like to learn how to make a real estate investing business that grows quickly, honestly and without unnecessary risk? Great, because that's exactly what you'll be able to do... once you have the tools necessary.

You'll learn how to out-market, out-perform, out-sell, out-think and out-maneuver your competitors in every way imaginable... without having to pay a nationally recognized marketing "guru" his outrageous $7,500 fee for less information.

You'll learn...

  Where to find the best priced investment lenders. I'll show you how to get one little piece of paper that will tell you if your loan is a good deal or if you are paying thousands of dollars TOO MUCH for your money.

  How to look out for so-called "zero down" conventional lenders. Learn how to avoid Loan Broker scams and how to spot those scam artists a mile away. 

  Find out how much your money really costs? Does that deal you're thinking about really make sense after you add it all up?

  Hard money lenders - how they work. Goldmines or Bandits?

  How to determine how much money you can realistically make in your real estate business. How quickly can you meet your goals... are they really possible? I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

  What do you want to achieve with your business? Do you want to... Quit your job? Pay for retirement? Put your kids through college? Travel around the world? Buy a fabulous home in the woods? Now you'll be able to set realistic goals and then achieve them in a very short time.

  How to SELL your properties for zero down.

  Ways to sell your real estate flip property quickly and for top dollar even in a slow market without using a Realtor. Hint - it's all in the financing.

  How to qualify potential buyers of your property before you waste time driving out and showing them what you have for sale.

  How to automatically convince Sellers to agree to your purchase terms... and do it before you meet them. Pre-sell your financing terms using this powerful pre-offer package.

  How to increase your credibility and impress the Seller with your knowledge and ability so they will be more willing to accept your deal.

  The gold mine of foreclosures. The painless way to buy property substantially below market value.

  Tempting zero down techniques that can get you thrown in jail. Many lenders will do these illegal things. Don't touch them with a ten foot pole... the money is just not worth the risk.

  Writing offers that get a Seller's attention. How to get every offer you write accepted on your terms and at you price.

  Learn the art to writing a credible acceptable offer. Get your costs paid and repairs made by the Seller.

  How to leverage your investment results by 3 to 21 times... without investing more money.

  How to simplify everything you do so that it takes you half the time... no more working nights and weekends... it's over for you!

  How to generate an endless stream of quality investment properties... without doing any of the day to day work yourself. This secret alone is easily worth six figures a year to you.

  How to use the most powerful investment and marketing tools around to make your income soar to new record heights.

During The Next 26 Weeks 

You Will Learn... to create the ultimate career and lifestyle you're looking for. 

Are you starting to understand how much you will learn from this massive 6 month course? 

I'll briefly run through some of the other, crucially important, items you will learn when you join. They include:

1. Gaining control of negotiation and "turning" every objection into a "Yes"... and eventually a contract signing.

2. Establishing a constant stream of referrals from everyone you know. Incredible deals will automatically start to come your way!

3. Building multiple profit centers... instead of relying on only one source of income like 99.9% of all real estate investors do.

4. Using step-by-step procedures to guarantee that every deal you write closes... without last minute headaches and delays

5. Pre-selling your properties. Never talked about... but critically important

6. Reversing the risks for both you and the buyer. Creating WIN-WIN situations!

7. Formulating marketing systems that work to help you find and sell property... even when you aren't working.

8. Going from fearful to fearless in everything you do.

9. Following a proven plan that enables you to bypass severe pitfalls and mistakes. Those who go it alone risk losing everything - It happened to me... ask me about it sometime over dinner (you buy - it's a painful story :-)

10. Daily activities that create your dreams one step at a time.

11. Fixer-upper profits can be huge if you make the right improvements. The seven biggest money making repairs you can do to a home.

12. You don't make money until the sale closes - how to make sure every sale closes with a minimum of costs and worry. Systematize your closing procedures so that it goes like clock work every time.

13. Lease option your way to wealth. Lease option techniques in intricate detail for buying and selling property with zero down payment. The advantages to lease options are enormous - I will show you how to take advantage of every technique available.

14. How to make $100,000.00 your first year as a real estate AGENT. Vastly increase the profitability of your real estate business using these awesome techniques. All the other real estate gurus tell you not to get a license... maybe it's because they don't have a license and they don't know what they are talking about.

15. Make money buying and selling notes as a broker or as an investor. This is a great way to make money in real estate without managing property. You can build a fantastic residual income with real estate notes. Do one deal and get income for the next 30 years!

Do you see why I'm calling this course a Real Estate Master's Program. It has a huge amount of information that you will learn easily, in bite sized bits over a 6 month period.

I'm Applying For The Job As Your
Coach, Mentor And
#1 Supporter

I'd like to volunteer to be your coach, mentor, #1 supporter, inspiration and guiding force that lights the way for you to follow. I don't care if you are new in the business... a struggling veteran... a high income earner... or just stuck in a rut that you haven't been able to get out of.

I'm going to tell you something now that may shock you... make you mad... or even make you upset at me for saying it... but it's the truth. 

I don't know of anyone... not even one person... that has been truly successful in their own life and professional career, that didn't have a coach.

In other words, I truly believe in my heart that you will never reach your full potential... realize your dreams... and live the life you've always wanted unless you have someone there... who has been in your shoes... guiding the way for you.


I've learned and discovered that true success (in all it's forms) is, more often than not, born from a force, or catalyst, if you will, that pushes you into action. An inspiration, usually referred to as a "mentor," that influences your life in countless positive ways.


In fact, one powerful coach can transform your actual being and create a whole lifetime of achievement in you. It happened for me, with my coach and mentor...


Now I want it to happen for you. But, I don't want the glory or the admiration... that's for you to enjoy and cherish


Are You Still Wondering If 

The Real Estate Money 

Maker Association 

Is For You?


If so, let's see if you know the answers to these shocking questions:


1. Do you know how to make $100 (or more) an hour, every hour that you work?


2. Do you know how to get financing for your deals even when the bank says "No?"


3. Do you know how to write an ad that pulls 15-45 potential tenant calls in one weekend?

4. Do you know why 90% of all real estate investors only see lackluster results?

5. Do you know how to make exactly what you want in 40 hours per week or less?

6. Do you know how to purchase a piece of real estate every month you work... all year long?

7. Do you know what to say to every potential buyer for your investment properties to create loyalty & trust right away?

8. Do you know how to make every deal turn into three more... effortlessly?

These are only a few of the real life questions that I will answer for you if you join The Real Estate Money Maker Association. I will teach you something new and powerful each and every week with downloadable manuals, audios, email and personal, one-on-one conversations with me.

We will build, step-by-critical step, a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding that propels you through the hidden wall of success and onto the "playing field" of life. And, after you have finished breaking through your self produced barriers, you will be able to answer the questions above... and hundreds of other questions, without hesitation.

But There Is More...

Sometimes I just don't know when to stop. There is just so much included with this package that I at least wanted to hit the highlights. You will not find a more complete, detailed, easy to use, training course anywhere... at ANY price. It is designed to turn you into the Ultimate Real Estate Investor. And here's the beauty of it... I walk you through the process, step-by- simple-step! I don't just give you a big stack of papers and say "go to it - good luck."

So, read on and find out more about this great program. 

You will learn...

  Advanced techniques for finding Sellers of property with excellent price and terms. You must find the deals to make the money - this guide will show you how to have a steady stream of undervalued properties offered to you with a zero down payment.

  Did you know you can get them to call you and practically beg you to take the property off their hands?

  How to get investors to come calling on you to help them find a good deals. They will pay you to find them deals and you don't have to have a real estate license.

  Investors are difficult skeptical bunch. Here's how to get them to respect you and what you have to offer.

  Sell your rehab properties without paying a 6 to 7% real estate commission. It's not difficult if you know what the buyer needs. These are hidden real estate secrets that only the best real estate agents know. These techniques will save you 10's of thousands of dollars in fees and commissions.

  Ad techniques - classified ads, ugly signs, brochure boxes, co-oping with brokers, voicemail telephone scripts, open houses and other powerful marketing ideas. Sell your properties using these powerful marketing strategies - every ad, brochure telephone voice mail script, that you ever need is included here.

  Sell your property with the zero down and get top dollar. Financing strategies that will make buyers line up to buy your properties.

120 New "Super Achievers" Wanted!

I'm currently completing the first 120 and I'm looking for my second group of 120, growth-minded, highly dedicated individuals to participate in this unique program. You cannot be a "traditionalist" or afraid of innovation.

The thought of Doubling, Tripling or even Quadrupling your net worth and income cannot intimidate you.

Your must truly aspire be to become the best possible person and real estate investor that you can possibly be.

So, please don't even try to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity if you are:

1. A "cry baby"

2. A "loser"

3. A "know-it-all"

Frankly, It just won't work for negative people. Negativity creates its own failure.

The Success Philosophy

If you accept my invitation to join The Real Estate Money Maker Association you will walk away with a whole new perspective and philosophy on your business and your life.

It really boils down to you being able to say to yourself, "I'll do everything possible to achieve success," "There is nothing that can stand in my way," "I am in control of every aspect of my life, I do things my own way and I enjoy what I do."

I'll teach you how to play the real estate game by your own rules... on your own time... and in your own way. You will no longer have to work 16 hour days and 7 days per week (or 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, for that matter). You will no longer have to rely on someone else... you will be self secure.


You will be a special, confident, unique and powerful real estate investor that towers above the rest... and that's only if you apply a fraction of what I'm going to teach you.


Why should you accept

my invitation to join...

The Real Estate Money Maker Association?


The answer is quite simple. It is this:


1. You owe it to yourself and your family to take advantage of every opportunity or program you can to improve your income and to improve yourself.


2. You cannot be content to do anything that doesn't produce the greatest results possible... in your business and in your life!

3. Learning to market your investments is everything. Ultimately, someone has to buy (or rent) your investments. If you don't have customers, you go out of business, right? The secrets I've perfected cost me over $241,000... I'm going to give them to you for a small fraction of that price.

4. You are the only one restricting your income. A few simple shifts will allow you to get the next level in your real estate business.

5. Your real estate career (even if you only want to do it part-time, you need to think of it as a separate career) should be fun, exciting and stimulating everyday... not just when you're at a closing and receiving a check. Believe me, you can have your cake and eat it too.

You Really Can't Afford
NOT To Join The Real Estate Money Maker Association!

Look, The Real Estate Money Maker Association is the next best thing to having your own "magic pill" for getting good real estate deals and customers to buy them from you. But it's not cheap...


Here Is What You Get When You Join..


26 Weeks Of Intensive Real Estate Investing Training!


Every week, for 26 WEEKS, you will receive a new "quick-read" e-book manual that you can download from the Internet. Every topic I've mentioned in the letter above will be covered in easy to use, straightforward language. 


There won't be any mystery about how to start... what to do first... what to do second, etc. It's all laid out for you, in a  simple, step-by-step, user-friendly format.




You will also get every manual, recorded by me, on audio. Some people just learn better when they hear the program recorded on audio. You will be able to download the audio portion at the same time you download that weeks' written manual. This way, you can sit back in your chair, close your eyes and soak in the knowledge. There is no extra charge for this added feature.


Each week, I will help you focus on three things. 


1.) The topic of that weeks' manual. (see the bullet points in the letter above for the topics - most of them are the actual titles of the weekly manuals!)


2.) Questions you need to ask yourself about your business to analyze your progress and to make sure you are "on track." 


3.) The next step you need to take... the "action step" to keep your business moving forward toward your goals!


So that's the program.


It's a massive educational experience. Learning how to be a successful real estate investor in 6 short months using easy to digest pieces of practical knowledge and absorbing it little by little. 


This is a program that I'm fiercely proud of. There has never been anything quite like it before. If I had this course in 1986 when I started in real estate, I could have saved myself from all of the painful mistakes that I've made throughout my career... and believe me, I've made more than my share. 


But if I hadn't experienced what I did... good and bad, I wouldn't be who I am and I wouldn't have the knowledge that I have to pass on to you.


Empirical Knowledge...


The knowledge that comes from doing. The knowledge that comes from pure, hard-knocks experience!


How Much Does All Of This Cost?

The cost of joining The Real Estate Money Maker Association for the six month program is $1,500.

This is a fraction of its real value and an incredible bargain. Any real estate investor that is serious about making money and dramatically increasing their business would be crazy not to get this membership.

If you do just one deal because of the information you learned in my program... your profits will easily pay for the course. 

You should expect to get your first deal done within 3-4 months of beginning the course. I tell everyone 3-4 months to be conservative. I have folks who are completing deals in 3-4 WEEKS.


Take $505 OFF The Price If You 

Join By Midnight Tonight!

That's right... I will reduce the price by $505 if you join right away. This is my way of thanking you for taking the time to read this entire letter and responding in a timely manner. That means you pay only $995 for the total six month membership.  

And to make it easier on your pocketbook, you can pay in two (interest FREE) monthly payments of $497.50 each. Everything that I've mentioned so far is included in this price.

You can also pay 6 monthly payments of $199, with our Easy Payment Plan. That's right, $199 per month gets you EVERYTHING!

Now I know that $199 a month may be a bit pricey for some of you. 

But if you look at comparable programs, you will discover that it really is a good deal. I know of coaches that charge $10,000 for a weekend bootcamp... and they don't even buy you breakfast! 

I know others who charge between $5,000 and $8,000 for short term consulting to small business owners. 

And people pay it.  People who have a difficult time coming up with the money pay for it.

Do you know why? 

Because the information they receive is worth it! 

How much money would you pay to completely change your life?  

Do You Have The Desire To WIN?

If the idea of doing something so radically different than what you've ever done before, creates more fear and poverty in you than you are able to deal with, it's just not worth it. And as I said earlier in this letter, too much fear will kill your chances of success. You must be willing to take a chance. You must be willing to step out on a limb. 

If you aren't there, if you aren't able to take that step out, don't be discouraged... feed your kids, pay your rent, keep up with your bills and then come back to me when you are stronger. 

Please understand, I'm not trying to exclude anybody here... I've shown many folks who had NOTHING to start with... no jobs, no homes, no cars, terrible credit, recent "painful" divorces, no education... nothing but the "gutsy will to win"... 

I've shown folks like these how to build a real estate businesses in the Midwest, on the East Coast, the West Coast, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom... even Pakistan! It doesn't matter what color, creed or national origin you are... if you are in the free world, this program will work for you. You see most "real property" laws in the free world originate from 15th Century England. We all work by basically the same rules.

Here are the payment options...

  Option One: *** BEST VALUE *** 

Single Payment - $995 for the entire 26 Week Coaching Program. You can get the printed version for a slightly higher price.

  Option Two: *** NO INTEREST ***

2 Monthly Payments - $497.50 per month for two months for the entire 26 Week Coaching Program. (There is NO extra charge for paying with two equal monthly installments) You can get the printed version for a slightly higher price.

  Option Three: *** EASY PAYMENT PLAN ***

6 Monthly Payments - You can pay in six monthly payments of $199 per month. The total cost is $1194. You can get the printed version for a slightly higher price.




This course is backed by the most 

powerful guarantee possible! 




"I personally guarantee that you will buy at least one piece of real estate during the 26 week course  and make AT LEAST THREE TIMES the cost of this course in profit or I will give you ALL of your money back."


- Joe Crump



I mean it... if you don't buy 

a property and make a profit, 

I don't get paid!


I know without question what an important opportunity this is for you, and how thorough, systematic, practical, and foolproof the materials are, and because of that...


I'm willing to take ALL the risk in your purchase of my online coaching program. Start this course and follow the simple steps and the straight forward systems I have put together for you. 


If, at the end of the 26 Week program, you have not purchased at least one property and made at least THREE TIMES the amount of money you paid for this course, I will give you all of your money back! 


All I ask is that you actively participate in the program. 


THAT'S IT.    


How can I do this? Because I know that if you actively participate in the program... that means read the manuals, make the coaching calls and follow through with the assignments... you will succeed!


My commitment is, 


"You will buy a piece of property and make a profit or you don't pay!"




Order By Midnight Tonight,


I Can Only Guarantee The $995 Price On All Of These Materials IF You Purchase The Course By The DEADLINE Indicated Above

Because of my successes, I have already raised the price for my services twice and I anticipate raising it again in the future.


You Get $3,062 Worth Of 

Real Estate Investing Expertise At A Tiny Fraction Of The Cost!


Here is what you get...


Item One:

"$0 Down Real Estate Investing 

With Bad Credit & No Job!"

This is the e-book that started it all. I sell loads of these books everyday on another one of my websites. It is only a few months old and certainly not a throw away bonus. It is a huge 324 page e-book that will give you a powerful overview of the whole process. I hate to give it away like this... so many others are paying me $197 for it, but I feel that it is a vital piece of the pie and you are going to need it to get started. 

Total Value $197


To buy this book separately, click here.



Item Two:

26 - Weekly Manuals and 

Audio Programs

The first weeks' program is an excellent "Quick Start Guide." I have recorded this program on audio. I will personally explain how you can make the leap from thinking about investing in real estate to actually doing it! I am going to help you get past your fear and really start to understand the process and exactly what you need to do to proceed. My goal with this "little personal talk" I'm going to have with you is to make SURE you succeed. This program will be available to download from the internet and can be listened to on you home computer.


Then... every week after that for 26 weeks, you will receive a completely new manual with all of the information I previously promised you in the text of this web page.


It is an enormous amount of information valued at:

Total Value $595 



Item Three:

You Get 6 MONTHS Of 

Personal, One-On-One Time 

With Me (Joe Crump).

Every Month you are entitled to a 1/2 hour consultation with me on the telephone. You can schedule a time with me every month to help move you forward in your real estate career. If you purchased my time by the hour, you would have to pay $450 per hour. With 1 consultation per month at 1/2 hour per consultation, times 6 months... that equals a...

Total Value of $1,350



Item Four:

UNLIMITED Fax and Email 

Questions Answered

You will have the option to fax or email me any question you have. I'll look over real estate contracts for you, I'll help you with your ads, I'll give you any support you need to keep you on-track and moving toward your goal. I regularly charge $150 per month for this service alone because it takes up so much of my time. 

Total Value $900




Item Five: 

"The Associate Program 

Marketing Handbook."


Marlon Sanders' (one of the most respected Internet Marketing Guru's on the planet) has just written a new e-book! He will teach you how to make money marketing other people's products on the Internet. He also teaches you fantastic techniques to drive traffic to *any* web site and convert those folks into paying customers.


I've learned a TON of stuff from this guy... you've got to read his book. This is a FULL e-book, not a watered-down free trial.


I purchased the rights to either re-sell this book or give it away as a free bonus with any of my products and services. 


You can *buy* this book separately for $20. Click here for full details about this amazing book.


You Really Can't Afford NOT To Invest In This 26 Week Course!

When you look at the true, bottom-line of what I'm offering... I don't think any investor that really wants to excel in real estate can afford not to invest in my program. Don't you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible opportunity?

Take action now, while it's fresh on your mind and get the $505 discount plus the $3,062 worth of goods and services that I mentioned above for only $995 . "The Real Estate Money Maker Association" will give you the powerful cash-generating skills you need to skyrocket your investments and profits through the roof... forever!

All the hot deals and real estate sales for your business are there, waiting for you to capture them!

AND Remember My IRON-CLAD Guarantee...

I personally guarantee that you will buy at least one piece of real estate during the 26 week course and make AT LEAST THREE TIMES what you paid for this course IN PROFIT, or I will give you ALL of your money back. All that is required is that you actively participate in the program. My Guarantee!

I thank you for reading this letter and look forward to working with you in the future to help you achieve the success you deserve!

To Your Success,

Joe Crump

Click here only if you have decided NOT to join.

PS - Remember, you will get one, 1/2 hour coaching session per month...  PERSONAL COACHING with me, plus unlimited fax and email support. You get a total of over $3,062 in products and services at a fraction of the cost! This is an outstanding offer.

Don't Procrastinate!

If you want to discover how to quickly and easily create real estate investments that will create a monthly income and chunks of immediate cash, you need to jump on this right now! "The Real Estate Money Maker Association" gives you everything you need to create a powerful, money-making, profit generating, real estate investment system right from the get-go.

PPS - If you have lingering doubts, or you're still not convinced that, "The Real Estate Money Maker Association" is a valuable business resource.... call me on my direct line with your questions - Joe Crump - 317-598-1220 (I'm in during most business hours). I will be happy to talk to you about how this system will make your income soar!

Download the e-book a few minutes after you order!

Do it right now! What have you got to lose?


Click Here To Join Using Our

Secure Credit Card Order Form!


If you don't have a credit card and would like to pay with an Online Check, click here.

If you would like to postal mail a check or money order, click here.


FREE Audio Download - 

"Quit Your Job AND Increase Your 

Monthly Income!"


Listen to Joe explain how to change your life with real estate investing. Learn what you need to know to get your real estate business off to a flying start... even if you have no money to invest, no job or bad credit.


Click Here To Listen For FREE


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